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Tuesday, July 11th 2023

Expat Insurance Goes to the Digital Nomad Summit!

The Expat Insurance crew gathered at the Digital Nomad Summit in Cancun to learn about how to garner a better online presence, while meeting people from all over the world! Learn how to travel the world from the people who do it. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, July 11th 2023

Banco del Bienestar; Mexico Is Opening a New Mexican Bank

The Mexican government has decided to open up its own bank. This new Mexican bank will be called the Banco del Bienestar. However, it has affectionately been dubbed the Bank of the Poor. Learn about this new bank’s beginnings and the plan for its future in this article. Click here to learn more!

Monday, July 10th 2023

Expat Insurance Freelance Writing Contest

Welcome to our writing contest! Your chance to win $500—and to potentially work remotely for us long term! Let us help fund your adventure abroad!

Monday, July 10th 2023

Is It Safe to Live in Mexico? Expat Insurance on Safety in Mexico

When clients find out WeExpats is based in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, we are frequently asked: Is it safe to live in Mexico? How safe is it to live in Mexico? And we often reply, “How safe is it to live in the US?” People will answer: “Well, it depends where you live."

Monday, July 10th 2023

Thailand's Wildlife: Amazing Animals in Thailand

If you are interested in visiting Thailand’s wildlife and seeing the most amazing animals in Thailand, then you will love this article. Learn why Thai wildlife is some of the richest wildlife on the planet. Also, find out the best ways to see cruelty-free elephants in Thailand. Click here to learn more!

Thursday, July 6th 2023

Throwing Away Your Used Toilet Paper in Mexico: Why Mexicans Don't Flush Their TP

There is a curious social convention in Mexico where used toilet paper is thrown into the wastebasket instead of flushed down the toilet, as it would be in the United States. It seems this has sparked a series of threads—some which got quite heated—over why Mexicans don’t flush their toilet paper in Mexico.

Monday, July 3rd 2023

Labor Laws in Mexico

This article is an easy-to-understand introduction to labor laws in Mexico. Click here to learn more!

Monday, June 26th 2023

Monarch Butterflies in Mexico

Curious about the Monarch butterflies in Mexico? Click here to learn about where to see them and how they get here.

Wednesday, June 21st 2023

The Wixárika, Kauyumari Deer, and Sacred Medicine

In this article, you'll learn about the Wixárika--often called the Huichol--their connection to the blue deer, and about their sacred medicine.

Friday, June 9th 2023

Where to See the Solar Eclipse in Mexico:

There's a partial eclipse in October and a Total Solar Eclipse in April, 2024. Click here to learn where to see the solar eclipses if you live in Mexico.

Friday, June 9th 2023

Who Was Luis Donaldo Colosio?

One of the most famous figures in modern Mexican history, Luis Donaldo Colosio was a presidential candidate in Mexico, until he suffered an untimely death under suspicious circumstances. Click here to learn more about who was Luis Donaldo Colosio!

Monday, May 22nd 2023

Who Was Emiliano Zapata?

Have you ever wondered who was Emiliano Zapata? At Expat Insurance, we know how difficult it can be to learn the history of Mexico and the Mexican Revolution. Click here to learn more!


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